
Archive for the ‘Food’ Category

Monster Cookies!

Here’s what my cousin and I have been up to: (the picture doesn’t show it very well, but they were bigger than our faces.)

Our colossal chocolate chips started as a joke, an extra-large spoonful of dough flung at the cookie sheet by my cousin, Katie. She should have known better than to do that in front of me! I took advantage of Mom’s good mood and plopped down five more blobs and slipped them into the oven before she could change her mind.

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Well, I’ve been a naughty blogger, haven’t I? I could make a bunch of excuses as to why I haven’t posted in so long, but I believe that honesty is the best policy, so I’ll tell you the truth. I was abducted by aliens and tortured until I gave away the password to my blog account. The aliens proceeded to break into Joyful Noise and change the password. I’ve spent all this time trying to figure out what the password was changed to, trying every possible combination of letters and numbers. Anyway, back to my post.

When Patrick and I were younger, Mom and Dad made us breakfast as often as they could. Waking up to the smell of Cream of Wheat heating or a pancake frying are amongst my favorite memories of growing up. There’s something comforting knowing your parents are a couple rooms down, spending time together and waiting eagerly to spend time you. I’ve alway hoped that when I have my own little family, I can have breakfast with my family every morning, talking about what we are going to do that day over a glass of orange juice and an egg on toast. Fortunately, I’ve picked up on my parent’s love of cooking.

Above, I’m feverishly chopping garlic to add to my vegetable lasagna. It turned out great, by the way, despite the fact that our dog stole one of the noodles off the top before it was slipped into the oven.

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